mercredi, avril 09, 2008


An illustration inspired by the Drakhaon, a character created by Sarah Ash for the trilogy "Tears of Artamon". Once more, I'm very disappointed with the .jpeg version, and, on a "tht" screen, it's worse than ever... (In fact, I work on a cathodic screen, which explain the differences between the version I work on and this one...) I try some adjustments, but I don't know what it will do one your screen!

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Blogger Pierre F. said...

This one on my screen looks good. I like it ! (I have an apple flat screen).
You write in english now. Welcome in the interntional world !

Blogger Anders said...

et tu croyais que ça allait passer inaperçu!!
c'est splendide!!!
purée, ces bateaux, ces flammes, cette ambiance, un immense bravo!

Blogger S.D. said...

Ah ah! ^^ Merci beaucoup Messieurs! Ravie que cela vous plaise! ^^


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