mercredi, octobre 25, 2006

Encore une nouvelle version...

Peu satisfaisant, mais bon, toujours mieux que dans sa première colorisation :)


Blogger Anders said...

les plus beaux dragons du moooooooooonde sont sur mine de dragon!!!
surtout ne t'arrêtes pas SD, you rule!!!

Blogger Marco Bucci said...

Cool fantasy work here! I like this dragon a lot.

Blogger Pierre F. said...

Il est superbe ton dragon ! juste peut etre l'aile qui se ne se détache pas tres bien du corps. Mais sinon j'adore !

Blogger Seth Hippen said...

All your dragons have great design and texture. I love all the bumpy skin. Nicely done!

Blogger Unknown said...

WOW!! Amazing!

Blogger feeb said...

You really amaze me! I'm so inspired by both your design as well as the attention to detail. You're so thorough: Any one of these could be the cover to a dragon book. I referred to you as a "he" and a "guy" on my last blog post (the dragon sketch inspired by your art). Sorry about that. I made the correction! Great work again!

Blogger S.D. said...

Thanks a lot for all your nice comments, I appreciate! You're all a real support to (for?) me :)

Feeb --> Your enthusiasm for my work make me very happy :) I hope a publishing house will hear you!
(and no matter about "he" and "guy", not very important ;) )

Blogger MICHEL CASADO said...

Great again. I´ll link You.

Blogger S.D. said...

Thanks a lot, Michel!

Blogger SILVER KNIGHT said...

magnificent! i really like his battle scars and the way you treat the eyes! ;)

Blogger Todd Harris said...

s.d, vraiment comme ce dragon où a fait votre intérêt pour les dragons viennent de ? je ne trouve pas trop de femelles intéressées à ce genre mais je suis heureux vous suis.

Blogger S.D. said...

Thanks a lot for your visit Todd!!! It's very kind of you writing in french! :)
You know, I'm interested in dragons since my childhood. Like many little girls, I've first had a passion for horses, and try to draw them. After that, wings, teeth and scales have grown on them... Dragons are an exciting subject for me because it's necessary to build a coherent beast even though it lets a huge liberty of creation. And, I confess, they are so fascinating, don't they? :)

Blogger Unknown said...

So much great work here, but this dragon really captivated me. Excellent job - such character in his face and pose. In fact- many of your dragons are quite excellent...makes me want to paint some dragons now!

Blogger Mad Guru said...

I really like this little dragon. Great work on the scales. There's so much texture here.


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