mercredi, octobre 25, 2006
Previous Posts
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- Dragon des terres profondes (3)
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les plus beaux dragons du moooooooooonde sont sur mine de dragon!!!
surtout ne t'arrêtes pas SD, you rule!!!
Cool fantasy work here! I like this dragon a lot.
Il est superbe ton dragon ! juste peut etre l'aile qui se ne se détache pas tres bien du corps. Mais sinon j'adore !
All your dragons have great design and texture. I love all the bumpy skin. Nicely done!
WOW!! Amazing!
You really amaze me! I'm so inspired by both your design as well as the attention to detail. You're so thorough: Any one of these could be the cover to a dragon book. I referred to you as a "he" and a "guy" on my last blog post (the dragon sketch inspired by your art). Sorry about that. I made the correction! Great work again!
Thanks a lot for all your nice comments, I appreciate! You're all a real support to (for?) me :)
Feeb --> Your enthusiasm for my work make me very happy :) I hope a publishing house will hear you!
(and no matter about "he" and "guy", not very important ;) )
Great again. I´ll link You.
Thanks a lot, Michel!
magnificent! i really like his battle scars and the way you treat the eyes! ;)
s.d, vraiment comme ce dragon où a fait votre intérêt pour les dragons viennent de ? je ne trouve pas trop de femelles intéressées à ce genre mais je suis heureux vous suis.
Thanks a lot for your visit Todd!!! It's very kind of you writing in french! :)
You know, I'm interested in dragons since my childhood. Like many little girls, I've first had a passion for horses, and try to draw them. After that, wings, teeth and scales have grown on them... Dragons are an exciting subject for me because it's necessary to build a coherent beast even though it lets a huge liberty of creation. And, I confess, they are so fascinating, don't they? :)
So much great work here, but this dragon really captivated me. Excellent job - such character in his face and pose. In fact- many of your dragons are quite excellent...makes me want to paint some dragons now!
I really like this little dragon. Great work on the scales. There's so much texture here.
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